Page 44 - 戲劇夢飛行(19-21)教材套_20220323
P. 44

第 43  ⾴(共 101   ⾴)

             劇院空間(Theatre Space)

                    劇院空間的參與(Involvement of Theatre Space)

                    演員與觀眾之間的交流視⾓和觀賞⽅向(Communication between

                    Actors and Audience Viewing Angle, Viewing Direction)
                    劇院體驗—觀影之旅(Theatre Experience—Viewing Journey)

                    固定座位;沉浸式劇場;長廊;特定場地(Fix Seating; Immersive
                    Theatre; Promenade; Site Specific)

             舞台設計—空間定義(Stage Design - Definition of Space)


                    舞台—第四⾯牆(Proscenium-The Fourth Wall)
                    場景分解—劇本簡介(Scene Break Down-Script Synopsis)

                    阻擋—舞台⽅向(Blocking-Stage Direction)
                    空間變化—場景變化(Change of Space- Scene Change)

                    抽象空間與想像⼒—舞台上的現實主義(Abstract Space and

                    Imagination-Realism on Stage)
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