Page 49 - 戲劇夢飛行(19-21)教材套_20220323
P. 49

第 48  ⾴(共 101   ⾴)


                 甚麼是舞台燈光?(What is Stage


                                                                                              戲劇中的燈光 (Lighting in Drama)
                    再造現實(Recreating Reality)

             戲劇性的氣氛(Dramatic Atmosphere)

                                                                                 空間的共存:連接空間和時間(Co-existence of Spaces:
                 選擇性可⾒性(Selective Visibility)                                                     Connecting Spaces and Time)

                時間的操縱(Manipulation of Time)                                                      情緒與戲劇(Mood and Drama)

                                                                                     時間與⾃然:⽇光、⽉光、⽇出、⽇落(Time and
                                                                                      Nature: Sunlight, Moonlight, Sun Rise, Sun Set)

                       照明質量(Lighting Quality)                                    ⼈⼯光源:燈、蠟燭 (Artificial Lighting Source: Lamp,

                                                                                 ⼼情與⾊彩:氛圍 (Mood and Colour: Atmosphere)
              Brightness, Contrast, Intensity, Separation)                           對比度和焦點:控制看哪裡(Contrast and Focus:

                                                                                                   Controlling where to look at)
             變化:時間速遞(Changes: Express of Time)

                                                                                    熄燈和淡出:調光和切換(Black Out and Fade Out:
                        隔離區(Isolation of Areas)                                                       Dimming and Switching)

             ⾊彩:情緒表達(Colour: Mood Expression)

         ⾊溫:⼀天中的時間時刻(Colour Temp: Moment of
                                Time of a Day)

                   照明⽅向(Lighting Direction)                                                   照明⽅法(Lighting Methodology)

                       正⾯照射光(Front Light)                                                                           S.A.I.D

                        側⾯照射光(Side Light)                                                               (分離)              Separation

                        頂部照射光(Top Light)                                                                 (氛圍) Atmosphere

                  低⾓度光照射(Low Angle Light)                                                                 (強度)   Intensity

               複合光源(Composite Light Source)                                                               (⽅向)   Direction
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