Page 50 - 戲劇夢飛行(19-21)教材套_20220323
P. 50

第 49  ⾴(共 101   ⾴)


                 ⿊⽩(B/W Mood)                              冷⾊調(Cool Mood)                                    暖⾊調(Warm Tone)

             燈光設計流程(Lighting Design Process)

                                          燈光劇情和場景分解(Lighting Plot and Scene Breakdown)

                                                             腳本分析(Analysis of Script)

                                                       場景的交叉融合(Crossfade of Scenes)

                                                     亮度和注意⼒(Brightness and Attention)

                                                      昏暗和喜怒無常(Dimmed and Moody)

                                                         特殊和隔離(Special and Isolation)

                                                              光與影(Light and Shadow)

                                                  調⾊和⾊光(Colour Mixing and Colour Light)

             燈光顏⾊(Lighting Colour)

                                                        ⾊彩混合(Addictive Colour Mixing)

                                                                 顏⾊凝膠(Colour Gel)

                                                                實⽤燈(Practical Light)

             燈光效果(Lighting Effect)

                                                              實⽤燈光(Light Practical)

                                                    照明區域和效果(Lighting Areas & Effect)

                                                           光線和圖案(Light and Pattern)

                                                特殊照明—分離式(Lighting Special—Separation)
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